Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Reading the Bible with Evelin and her Crew.

Evelin has invited me to read with her and her youth group these scriptures. More than that in talking with her... our hope and expectation is that doing this together will provide a context for God to use the scriptures to speak directly into our lives.

Ink on a page... Can Ink on a page make a difference in the content and quality of our lives??? Influence depends on a lot of things... The Bible keeps surprising me in it's depth and power.

Some aliens came to visit planet earth... they noticed that human often bought this large bundle of paper daily that they call the newspaper. When analyzed for it's chemiccle compounds all they found in it was paper and ink. To this day they do not know what the significance of the news is...

The frame of reference you bring to any task will shape what you see in it...

I hope some of you read with us and in it find some real "good news"...


To all the skaters and friends that are reading with me:

I know that a lot of you have been wanted to be challenged just in seeking the Lord and learning more of His word… and as well, as getting to know Him more. This year I want to be able and take this challenge with you and learning how to discipline ourselves in reading the word, and spending time with God. I know it is not an easy thing to pick up a book and read, specially sometimes our bibles are hard to read. But know that just as you and I are reading… others read with us and we will hold you accountable of this… just as you guys can keep me accountable of this. As you read weekly, think about verses, things in life, or things that God is doing in your life and come back to share, what stood out to you, or what God taught you from these readings… enjoy His word, and if you want to read together to be encouraged, let me know… email me or myspace me… lol… enjoy!!! As you read make sure to initial or put a check mark and maybe next to the chapter, write a word or a phrase or the verse that stood out to you. If you have any questions call me, my phone will be on the parent letter.

Scritpture Reading:

By the 9th of October you should have read:

*Genesis 43___X____
*Luke 1___X____
*1 John 1__X___
*Psalm 1__X___

By the 16th of October you should have read:

*Genesis 44__x___
*Luke 2__x___
*1 John 2__x___
*Psalm 2__x___

By the 23rd of October you should have read:
*Genesis 45__x___
*Luke 3__x___
*1 John 3___x___
*Psalm 3__x___

By October 30th you should have read:

*Genesis 46___x__
*Luke 4__x___
*1 John 4__x___
*Psalm 4__x___

By November 6th you should have read:

*Genesis 47__x___
*Luke 5__x___
*1 John 5__x___
*Psalm 5__x___

By November 13th you should have read:

*Genesis 48__x___
*Luke 6__x___
*2 John 1_____
*Psalm 6___x__

By November 27th you should have read:

*Genesis 49__x___
*Luke 7__x___
*3 John 1_____
*Psalm 7__x___

By December 4th you should have read:

*Genesis 50__x___
*Luke 8__x___
*Jude 1_____
*Palm 8__x___

By December 11th you should have read:

*Exodus 1_____
*Luke 9__x___
*Revelation 1_____
*Psalm 9__x___

By December 18th you should have read:

*Exodus 2______
*Luke 10 __x___
*Revelation 2_____
*Palm 10__x___

We had to cancel the 20th of November because there is a Thanksgiving dinner for some of the S.A.Y. Yes! Students and I won’t be able to make it because I need to be there but for the winter break I would love you to read:

By the end of winter break you should have read:

*Exodus 3____
*Luke 11__x___
*Revelation 3_____
*Psalm 11__x___

Let me know if you would like to study together or read together or if you want more readings… I can make sure to help you out with that! I love you guys… and I am excited to meet with you guys again and talk about God and share with each other what God is doing in our lives and going to skate parks!

Thank you so much guys for your patience and for waiting to come back for a new semester to the “Eyes 4 Christ” Skate movement. Remember we want to make an impact on others and we want others to know of Gods, word, love, and grace, and even more!!!
I need you guys!!! I am excited to see what God does in our lives together as a team, and as a family, to live a life of faith and to follow Him, and to rally make this a movement that will glorify Him. Everything we do in life should be for him!!! Be excited, and come with a positive attitude, lets have fun together knowing our Father!!!

God Bless you guys, and know that I’ve missed you and I love you guys… peace!

Evelin Mendoza

(Ha, I have a new last name! ;D)

Thank you EVELIN!!!

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